There may be celebrations that your friends or family have which oblige you to gift them – perhaps for a wedding or a birthday. Over a course of a year, buying gifts can cost a considerable amount. Even with the best of intentions, we don't always make the 'right choice' of gift amongst what money can buy. It's an opportunity to think about whether you could do something for someone as a gift instead – a gesture or favour that could really make a difference.
That alternative could be something like: offering to baby-sit / pet-sit during a holiday, or perhaps helping out with some DIY in their home. Do you have a particular skill set? Maybe you could offer a hair cut or massage or bake a cake...
By dedicating your time as a gift is arguably more valuable than possessions. This is because by doing something for someone, we cultivate our connection with them. We may even share the experience with them of service, creating memories. Therefore, the person you gift with this is more likely to remember what you did over what you bought. The giving of yourself is also truly unique – priceless!