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Finding peace...

Recently, The Rotary Foundation Charity posed a question to Compassionate Cuppa – which is the subject of this week's posting: 'What does Peace mean to you?' Before we begin to answer this, we outline their mission statements (in part) of 'Advancing World understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.' Therefore, we give our response to the posed question within such context...

Peace means so many different things – how it's applied on an individual level, within a community or a much wider geography that's national or international. Starting from within: feeling safe, secure and a sense of harmony we feel are important ingredients to peace. Then we come to realise that having peace requires so many other elements to come together – such as respect, trust, collaboration, resources and goodwill for peace to have a positive and long-lasting impact. Therefore peace isn't just something that people seek individually in their lives; the beneficial effects of World Peace is collective.

All sentient beings need the absence of conflict, threat or violence in order to experience peace. To nurture a sustainable, safe place where one has opportunity to thrive, create, connect and love. Being in peace, we are at one with the universe. Peace is beautiful, however it is becoming scarce. We need to cultivate the goodness and kindness we all have to make peace happen. The gift of peace is something we all can contribute and benefit from... It's perhaps one of the most precious things we can give – to ourselves, to each other and for the greater good.

Photo by Matthew T Rader from Pexels

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