There are many people out there, right now that are struggling with their mental health or wellbeing. That person could be you or someone your know like a friend, colleague or a member of your family. How likely are they to talk about their problem? The fear of discrimination or being judged by others, compounded by the stigma attached to talking about mental health issues means people choose to stay silent and not disclose. Myths surrounding ill mental health also perpetuate the stigma. Previous negative experiences around sharing and can also play a role in staying silent.
The fear of repercussions or discrimination are well justified. Some people have been subjected to bullying, the butt of jokes as a result of their disclosure. That certainly cannot help when people are made to feel ashamed. For those that do have lived experience of ill mental health, the delay not sharing or seeking help can inhibit their recovery. Putting off doesn’t make a problem going away. The continued struggle will have a knock on effect on how someone performs in their day to day activities. To overcome the barriers, people need to feel safe and supported in order to share.
According to The Mental Health Foundation, the early sharing of their distress can enable people to find a way towards calmer times, without the need for any health service involvement. By addressing some of the stressors or making some adaptions, this can help alleviate the distress for someone before it becomes a mental health problem. If a person feels too deterred from sharing until it is an absolute necessity, by then they could be at crisis point or their problems may have become too overwhelming for them to tackle.
We want people to feel more able to have that conversation around their mental health; for such experiences to be viewed as a positive thing. It is fine to talk about when things are not OK; to offload can help you feel better for doing so. Sometimes just to be heard can make a real difference. Sharing is connecting – the first step in the 5 Ways of Wellbeing. The benefits of sharing with us means that you are supported, your way. We are happy to listen. Your mental wellbeing matters.
Image Description: View of a coffee mug with a speech bubble inside