The poppy – very symbolic of remembrance at the beginning of each November. Due to the pandemic, it’s hasn’t been possible for many remembrance events or parades to proceed like they have done each year around this time. The act of remembrance is still very important, where we reflect upon the bravery and sacrifice made by others – who fought for the country. It’s about showing respect and learning the lessons from our history, so that we can continue to live in peacetime. Peace may be something which many of us take for granted, however the absence of peace would bear an adverse effect on our lives.
There is a sense of unity and collective kindness in the act of remembrance. We are thinking of others. We give back, which is kind. When we give, that can help us too. During this second lockdown, more people are more likely to feel lonely as a result. The kind thing would be to reach out to someone, particularly if they live alone. Check in on them by ringing them or send them a message. Your act of kindness can make all the difference to them. When someone is kind, it isn’t about what was said. Often people will remember how an act of kindness made them feel.
On November 13th, it’s World Kindness Day. Kindness isn’t just for others – we need to be kind to ourselves as well. This may be the more challenging aspect of kindness that we find harder to practise, particularly if we tend to put others first. Being kind helps our wellbeing, leaving a good feeling all round. The positive impact of kindness is where great things happen. What can you do as an act of self-kindness?