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Happiness Habits...

How satisfied are you with your life these days? The answer to this question will probably reveal how happy you are as a person, gauging whether you are living a life that you enjoy...

There are many factors that determine how someone feels fulfilled and satisfied with their lives – some are external, such as where we live, work and human relationships. Others are internal, such as our physical and mental health. Our general philosophy – how we manage our mental life can make a difference. We therefore can cultivate more happiness in our lives from within.

Even when life is tough, it is possible to not be a prisoner to our own thoughts and feelings. We are not either of those things, although how we experience life can be vastly different from how we think and feel. When we think negatively, it can have an adverse effect on how we feel and vice versa (a vicious cycle). Acknowledge those thoughts, realising that you don't need to buy into them: they don't serve you. Think of instead how you could do differently that channels that negativity into helpful action.

The above graphic outlines five key things which we all can do to help increase our sense of happiness or wellbeing. Which of the five are you regularly doing?

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