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From us to you...

To say that this week has been like no other would not be an understatement. Even 10 days ago, most of us might not be familiar with the term 'social distancing'. Now all of us have to get used to doing this for our own safety and that of others. The changes in the way we work, socialise and interact with others are having to change very quickly, with next to no time to plan. Few of us are unaffected; it's truly been a stressful and worrying time – particularly with regards to managing financially. It's a threat to our survival from something we can't even see.

Many people would have seen their workloads drop. Not for the staff that are working in our healthcare system, particularly those in the front-line who are literally battling to save lives. They are our heroes. With or without a pandemic, they are doing this day in day out. Many communities are offering help to those that are self-isolating by delivering essential items to their home. Some organisations are working together to offer support to people who are homeless – after all, where do you isolate to if you don't have a home? The option of working from home certainly does not exist if you work in a prison; where conditions inside can be volatile and challenging anyway.

Every person that is working or helping in keeping the human spirit alive, we thank you. While it might be tough for many in the months ahead, your work is much needed and valued. It won't go unnoticed. We recognise your efforts!

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