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Feeling a hard time?

The image here depicts a range of different feelings which all of us would have experienced at least a few of them in the course of our lifetime. It’s quite interesting seeing how are feelings can be split from a core feeling in the centre. When we feel a certain way, sometimes that feeling can govern how we think or behave as a result. If we are feeling negative, our thoughts and onward actions could be affected. We might end up saying or doing things that don’t serve us or others well. So how can we manage this?

Acknowledge and accept your feeling. There is no right or wrong regarding feelings – they form part of your perspective and your experience. All of us will have our own reasons for feeling a certain way. Feelings are like waves, you can’t stop them coming. If you try to block out or deny them, they have a habit of leaking out in other ways. Is the feeling driven by an underlying need? Attending to the need will help address the feeling. Remember also, that feelings are transient – they are not permanent and will change over time. The strength of a feeling may be determined by the energy we pour into it.

We are not our feeling – it is possible also to put a distance between us and our feeling. Choose how much to involve ourselves with the negativity. A self-soothing, compassionate approach can be helpful. Doing something different or regular meditation practice can certainly be good for managing those feelings.

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