Sometimes, having the confidence in life is just plain difficult. To be a certain way or be good at it – to strive and thrive in the face of adversity can feel very elusive. Perhaps we've tried and failed numerous times. Maybe we've got hurt or injured in some way; understandably though it's put a dent on our confidence whether we try again. Doubt can easily set in – is it worth the effort or risk to be knocked back?
The stuff of our past can have a bearing on our confidence levels in the here and now. Lack of confidence can become a real barrier in our present lives, keeping us 'small' because we feel unable to move forward to change a situation or work towards our goals. We can judge ourselves harshly, as inadequate or failures which further chip away at our self-esteem. It's a vicious cycle that needs breaking.
We have the ability to decide whether we want to change the situation, or accepting it as the way it is. Our confidence comes as a side-effect of the journey we take – we might not have had it when we started, but develops on the way. Gradually, as we feel we have a handle on something, that's how we cultivate self-belief. It's also where most of the learning takes place – about ourselves as well as our goals.
Congratulate yourself in your achievements, then you can harness the confidence for the next time!