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Coming Up: International Stress Awareness Week

Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension as a result of adverse or demanding circumstances. We all will have our experience of this, where the causes and how we respond to stress can vary. However, when the level of stress becomes unmanageable, toxic and prolonged that it can cause us to become unwell. This extends beyond our emotional wellbeing – our immune system and our physical health can also be adversely affected. If we are feeling overwhelmed, irritable or anxious regularly, this may be a sign that we are over-stressed.

We have a tendency to put off or avoid a situation that we find stressful. Avoidance can provide temporary relief, however it can also make a problem bigger in the long run. Making preparations or adaptations, where possible can be helpful when we need to face the situation head on. We may be able to also find support in others either before, during or after the experience. While we might question how do we cope with… Yet we often can cope with things a lot better than we give ourselves credit for. Know that whatever happens, you are OK.

Where we can’t adapt a stressful situation, then it is important to use strategies that help us rebalance our stress levels and optimise our wellbeing. Not all coping mechanisms are helpful! Drinking too much alcohol might alleviate some stress, but over the long-term it’s not an effective coping mechanism. Practising rhythmic breathing or going for a walk outside are more beneficial. Do what you enjoy regularly, even if it’s a small window of time. This will help soothe and calm your mind, to manage your stress levels.

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