Most of us without thought, would be able to name our favourite colour. Whether it's in a room or what we wear, colours can make a big difference to how we perceive and feel about the environment around us. Therefore, we can be emotionally stimulated by the different colours we expose ourselves to. We connect with particular colours for our own reasons: past experiences which may be happy or sad, but memorable nonetheless.
Certain colours may also be a representation of something else – for example, red for danger or passion. So our view of colour is moulded partly from Society's norms. Any industry that involved in visual imagery will know how influential colour can be – from it portraying a certain brand to conveying a particular 'mood' in a painting. Some purchasing decisions we make will almost certainly be influenced by the colours available, particularly when it comes to fashion!
Think of a scene of nature, like the changing colours from the autumnal leaves or on a sandy beach where you see the sunset on the horizon. It's difficult not to feel lifted in some way by it. The blend of colours bring a richness to the connection, bringing an awe. Does your mind feel calmer for it? If you can experience the scene for real by actually being there, even better...
Find the colours that help you emotionally in your day, use them where you can. Notice how those colours bring joy into your life, enhancing your wellbeing.