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COVID-19 : Notice

Like with every business, the Coronavirus Pandemic has impacted upon how we connect to help individuals in relation to their mental health and wellbeing.  Your safety is very important to us, and we want to make sure that we are doing all we can to minimise the spread of COVID-19.  Currently, social distancing measures are still in place in the UK which means that we are adapting our work practices for any face to face sessions that we undertake with any individual either using our service or in business activities.  We have also undertaken extra training in order to give reassurance to those using our service that we taken this issue seriously.  

We will undertake a short pre-session check for face to face sessions by contacting you the day prior to your session to ask:


  • Are you in close contact with others that has recently had symptoms or been diagnosed with COVID-19?

  • Do you suspect that you may have the symptoms or received a recent diagnosis of COVID-19?

  • Have you been following the current social distancing measures for COVID-19?

  • Are you self-isolating are subject to quarantine measures?


Of course you may similarly have questions that you may wish to ask prior to the session concerning the measures that we are undertaking around COVID-19.  Please feel free to discuss these with us at any time to clarify any concerns.


Should you fall ill prior to any booked face-to face session, please contact us to defer the session.  If any monies have been paid, we are happy to refund you should you wish.  This applies even if you contact us to defer up to an hour prior to the session.  If we are unable to attend due to possible COVID-19, we of course will contact you to cancel the session.


In the event that we are unable to offer the service due to COVID-19, we of course will contact any individual that we have met face-to-face to inform them as per Government guidelines of track and trace.  It therefore is important that we have your contact details at the time of booking.


Where possible, we would encourage that the location of the session to be held outdoors.  We recognise though, this may not be possible, therefore ask that if we do meet indoors, that face coverings are worn and that we either wash our hands or use hand sanitiser on meeting.  We can provide a fresh face covering for you to keep and hand sanitiser if required.  Where possible, we should also maintain social distancing.  If the session is at your home address, there will be considerations around minimising the areas of direct contact. We have foot coverings and gloves if you prefer these are used, please request this at the start of the session before we enter your home.


At the start of the face to face session, we will check with you the following:


  • Do you feel well enough to proceed with the session?

  • Has there been any changes for you or for those that you are in close contact since the questions posed the previous day around COVID-19?

  • Are you willing to follow the social distancing measures and the protocols outlined such as face coverings and handwashing in the course of the session?



If we go out and Compassionate Cuppa is required to provide transportation, please use a face covering during the car journey.  When out in the community, we would need to abide by any guidelines outlined in the setting that we visit, maintaining social distancing where possible.


At the end of the session, we will observe handwashing or using hand sanitiser prior to leaving.  Therefore, you can be assured that we have done everything possible to limit the spread of COVID-19 and the risk of infection in the course of our work.  If you suspect that you have symptoms or receive a diagnosis of COVID-19 (up to 14 days since the date of the last session), please contact us.  


We have tried to keep this notice as short as possible, yet providing you with the information you need around COVID-19.  The guidelines and measures are led by the Government and Council.  However, we will endeavour to keep this notice updated regularly in order that you know that Compassionate Cuppa is responsive to the changes for now and in the future.  Please contact us if you have any concerns or feedback regarding this notice, thank you.


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